Đoan Trang's Profile
Please refer to The 88 Project [] for details on Đoan Trang's activism.

Who Is Phạm Đoan Trang?
This article was written in Vietnamese by Tran Phuong and previously published on Luat Khoa Magazine on October 25, 2020. The translation [] was done by Will Nguyen and published on The Vietnamese Magazine on February 14, 2021. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I believe my life is

Đoan Trang's letter: "Just in case I am imprisoned"
Đoan Trang sent us and some other close friends this letter in both English and Vietnamese, and asked us to release it in case she was imprisoned.

When Calls To Free Phạm Đoan Trang Are Not Enough
This op-ed article was written in Vietnamese by Trinh Huu Long and was previously published [] on the Luat Khoa Magazine on October 10, 2020. The translation was done by Karie Nguyen and published on The Vietnamese Magazine [] on

The Woman Of Possibilities
This is a part of an article published [] in Vietnamese by Luat Khoa Magazine on March 8, 2019. The translation [] was done by Will Nguyen and published on The Vietnamese Magazine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If someone believed that

Translation: Tội ác phải bị trừng phạt
Vietnamese language version of "Fighting Impunity: A guide on how civil society can use Magnitsky Acts to sanction human rights violators." (Safeguard Defenders) Download (PDF) []

Legal Briefing On Democracy Activist Phạm Thị Đoan Trang’s Arrest
From The Vietnamese magazine.

Report/Co-author: Báo cáo Đồng Tâm/Đồng Tâm Report
Download (PDF) []

Book: Cẩm nang nuôi tù
Download (PDF) []

Book: Politics of a police state
Buy (Kindle version) []